TOP 10 SONGS OF 2023

It was nearly impossible to come up with a list I am 100% satisfied with. I could make a “Top 50 Songs” of the year if I had the time to do so. So come on sponsors – start sending us money so I can blog about music as a full-time job. It was aContinue reading “TOP 10 SONGS OF 2023”


Where did the year go? I had some serious internal debates with myself whether some of these even came out this year. Or, on the flip side, if recency bias was playing a role and I only picked some of these because they came out last week. The last year feels like that much of aContinue reading “TOP 5 ALBUMS OF 2023”

I Polled the Fam On Their Music & Movie Preferences…

I had week and a half here over Christmas break to spend some good quality time hanging with my family. We’re viscous gamers and competition levels have been high from the pool table to Scattegories. But – we do share many similar interests when it comes to movies and music (for the most part), soContinue reading “I Polled the Fam On Their Music & Movie Preferences…”